Fruitopia | Free 2-Column CSS Web Design Template PERSONAL PET CARE - About Steve Berkelhammer - 201-452-8375
Personal and Focused Care for Your Beloved Pet
"Established in 2004, with over 35 years experience caring for your Pets..."

I managed my father's 4-doctor veterinary hospital (Albert Berkelhammer, VMD.) in Maplewood NJ for 30 Years until he passed in 2002. I was the first person you would meet when you arrived with your pet. I started a countless number of families with new puppies and kittens as well as older rescue shelter dogs and cats.

I have raised many litters of English Setters since 1976. My family bred, raised and showed this breed for many years. I have won many Specialty Shows with our English Setters.

I was The Program Assistant at St. Hubert's Madison for 2 years. My daily duties included managing inventory, daily adoptions, foster care and managing the feline infirmary.

Among some other duties of The Program Assistant, I would be on-call to fill in for any duties required.

Some of my special pets include
Daily some of the dogs I care for are, a Husky with 3 legs, a 10-year old diabetic Chesapeake Bay retriever, an 11-month old English Springer Spaniel puppy, a Borzoi with a fractured front leg, a 7 month old Barbet(French water dog), as well as caring for many other dogs and cats during weekends, holidays and vacations.

I provide care for many cats as well.

Contact us...
For Availability, References, Fees and all Inquiries call 201-452-8375 or email